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Text/Gong Lei from the Brand Management Center

This is an unexpected journey.

“From September 9th to 12th 2013, being an charity ambassador of the Company, I and another companion Yang Wei will head to Yushu in Qinghai Province to attend the completion ceremony of ‘Anzheng Fashion Group ﹒Li Quan﹒Cui Youwen Joint Clean Electricity Charity School-Zhimeicun School’. This was the first time I have been to Yushu, which also provided me with unparalleled touches and shocks. In spite of the severe altitude stress, I still felt lucky that I did it!”

Two-day-one-night’s hard journey, warm lights

On September 9th, we departed Shanghai and took three and half an hour’s flight to arrive in Xining, Qinghai Province. Staying in Xining over the night, the next day we took another flight to Yushu.

The bus traveled over 3 hours on the road in the grassland. We passed through the Jiegu Town, rebuilt after the disastrous earthquake, and eventually arrived at the temporary stop-Chengduo County-at 6pm on the 10th. We would be staying here for the night and then taking another 4 hours’ drive. At 2pm on the 11th, we eventually arrived at our destination-Zhimeicun Primary School.

Zhimeicun Primary School, located in Zhaduo Town of Chengduo County, Yushu State (Sanjiangyuan region of Qinghai Province), was 4500 meters above sea level. The entire school had three grades, 63 students, and four teachers in total. As it was located in remote and backward husbandry area, the transportation was rather inconvenient. Apart from school staff and students and local residents, there have never been any outsiders or communication facilities. Emergency notices would have to be passed verbally as well. Here had no shops, therefore, all the foods, vegetables or other daily supplies had to be bought in advanced for storage. Even water was carried from tens of miles away.

Our destination, Zhimeicun Primary School, was located in the area without electricity; therefore, the school had to generate power with air blowers. The power generated by air blowers was only sufficient enough for one TV and one lamp to last for about four hours. At night people had to use candles. Around dusk when the light was dimmed in the classroom, children had to take their text books out of the classroom to read under dim light until it became too dark to see the words written in the text books.

With the assistance from the “Golden Sun New Energy Charity Project” of China Environment Protection Association, Anzheng Fashion Group donated solar power generation station for the children, which provided electricity to the classrooms and dormitories. Ever since then, children would no longer have to read under candle light but study under bright lamp instead.

When we gave the study supplies, picture books, and snacks to the children in the school, their unique shyness and good manner greatly pleased us. The Vermillion of Plateau caused by the strong ultraviolet radiation made their smile even more remarkable and brilliant.

Blue sky, thin air, breathe harder

In spite of the minor dangers and setbacks, the entire journey seemed quite picturesque.

All the way we saw plateaus and white clouds in the blue sky. The sky was really blue, and the cloud was really white. From the window we could see the snow on top of the winding mountains, specks of yaks and sheep herds on the mountain, and the winding mountain roads extending all the way to the blue sky and white clouds. Whenever I recollected this, I couldn’t help recording the beautiful landscape in my camera. The honors of “ancestor of all famous mountains, origin of all rivers, land of yaks, and homeland of songs and dances” have been hidden in every grass and tree here.

The sky was blue and clouds seemed so close. If the entire journey was beautiful like this, how wonderful and pleasant it would be to set off such a wonderful journey! However, life is full of unforeseen mishaps. And it were the unforeseen mishaps that were deeply imprinted in our memories.

We thought we have well prepared for the plateau stress. However when we were actually encountered by it, we were still surprised. Plateau stress was rather overwhelming. Instantly we were like frost dozen eggplants. It was the kind of pain that went from inside out. It caused chest distress, dyspnea, and made you feel the oxygen in the air was becoming less and less. Until then did we know what it was really like when you felt your head weigh tons, which drove you crazy and made you anxious to get rid of it. In spite of the medical oxygen bag, we couldn’t eliminate all the discomfort caused by lack of oxygen. We had to breathe hard.

The people, the temple, and the beautiful galsang flowers

A person without spiritual life is pathetic. So I guess people here are happy because they have their own belief and pursuit. All people living in Kangba Tibetan area in Yushu have their religious belief. It has been reported that Yushu has over 500 temples. Some have been built along the steep cliffs, while others have been built on plain grassland. Wherever they are, the temples are made in accordance with the local conditions by making full use of the local natural landforms.

Before on-boarding the plane on journey back, we took our time to the Wencheng Princess Temple, which is ten minutes’ drive from Yushu Airport. The moment we entered Bainagou, we felt greatly awed. The mountains on both sides of the grand canyon were filled with Kha-btags of all colors. Wencheng Princess Temple, leaning against the precipitous cliffs, was accompanied by crystal clear rivers and brooks. The Lama in the temple told us that we need to present Kha-btags to Rulaifo bonzeand eight honorable Buddhas once we entered the temple. With Lama’s supervision, we experience the “five body parts cast style” of admiration. Here we were as devout and sincere as the others.

Words from the editor:

The beautiful landscape along the way amazed and surprised us, however the plateau stress deprived us of the desire to appreciate the beautiful sceneries. In spite of that, the company and warm attention from the Tibetan people and the lovely children gave us so much warmth. I thought I was a brave person and could leave everything behind with ease, but when I set off the journey back home, I couldn’t wait. Arriving at home safely, suddenly I felt I was so lucky because I belonged here. However I remembered: after all those beautiful sceneries, do you still have the mood to appreciate the gently flowing streams!

Probably, only under certain circumstance could we realize the significance of certain things or certain people. It was like when we were at 4500 meters above sea level that we were so eager to demand more oxygen. In busy urban life, the monotonous life sometimes makes us feel life is so boring and dull! When we are bored, we can surf internet and chat online! When we are cold or hot we can turn on air conditioner; when we feel dirty we can take a bath as you can take a subway home after finishing one day’s work! This is our routine life, which is so common to all of us! However to those people living in Sanjiangyuan Region high above the high altitude, how luxurious our daily routine is!

If we hadn’t been there, we would never be able to understand the hard life on the plateau! The three-day journey might only stay in my mind for ten or 15 days at most, however, the people living on the plateau and the hardships they are going through will stay in my mind for ever, and constantly remind us to cherish what we have now and cherish our lives.

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